
Photography by Angelika Kollin


I’ve Been on a Journey

I have been on a deep journey for many years. Through a series of experiences which resulted in complex PTSD, it was clear I needed to re-establish my relationship with my body and its intrinsic wisdom. I began working somatically and holistically to address past trauma and heal unhealthy coping patterns. This process has deepened my connection to my essential self and helped me recognise my internal resources, needed to create empowering changes in my life.

I have always been drawn to both inner exploration and outer adventure through my curiosity and search for meaning. With a background in the arts and design world, I now use a life coaching framework to unite a wide variety of modalities that have worked in my own life. I weave together my lived experiences and my deep personal study of somatic wellbeing, sacred sexuality, feminine consciousness, Taoism, meditation, visual creativity, relational dynamics, indigenous wisdom and depth psychology.

Moving from personal pain through healing and restoration, my journey has naturally inspired me to offer support and empowerment to women on similar paths. As I see my ongoing work now as an act of service; it is with joy and humility that I offer women guidance and insight as we evolve together and become collective changemakers.